Sunday Meetings

We meet together in person every Sunday at The Whitstable School!

Everyone is welcome to join us on a Sunday, no matter what your age or story. Whether you've been a Christian for years or you're just looking into the faith, we'd love to see you.

We start our services at 10:15 with an opportunity to catch up with one another. We're very relaxed so please come as you are, no need to dress in a certain way.

Our worship time starts at 10:30 where we have about half an hour of singing as we express our love and gratitude to God. When we worship we don't just expect to sing a few songs, we expect to meet with Jesus and to hear from Him. So, during this time you might hear some people praying out loud or reading a bit of scripture or sharing an impression they've received from the Holy Spirit.

After that we catch up on a bit of family news then sit down and listen to some teaching from the Bible for about half an hour.

We all start our Sunday gathering together but after the worship time we also run activities for children and young people.

We'd love to welcome you one Sunday, wherever you're at in your journey with Jesus.