Our Values

To outwork our vision, we have a set of values that are an expression of the type of community we seek to be.

Love God

As a response to God’s overwhelming love for us, we seek to love God with all we are, all we do, all we have

Love others

Loving our neighbour means loving the person right in front of us, whoever they are, whatever their story, whatever their need

Share our hope

We believe that the good news of Jesus is the best news there is.  So, we want to share it with everyone

Pray first

God invites us to talk to Him, hears our prayers and has the power to answer them.  So, we try to make prayer the first thing we do rather than our last resort

Listen and do

God has revealed who He is and how we are to live through His word.  That means the Bible has the final say on everything

Be generous

As we have received from God we seek to give generously of our money, our time and our talents

Give second chances

We all make mistakes all the time yet there is no limit to God’s grace to us in Christ.  As we have been forgiven so we seek to forgive each other when we get it wrong

Be real

Pretending to be ok all the time is exhausting and unfulfilling.  We’d rather be real with God and each other and let the Holy Spirit change and grow us

Get involved

We believe everyone has been uniquely shaped and gifted by God to make up the church.  So, don’t watch from the side-lines; use what God has given you and get involved