When Jesus invites his first disciples to follow him, in Matthew 4:19, he was asking for more than just a one-time decision.

Instead he was inviting them on a journey: a journey to share life with him, a journey of listening, of learning, of obedience to his words and imitation of his ways.

Ultimately he was inviting them on a journey of transformation: a new life in a new kingdom.

That’s what we believe being a follower of Jesus, a disciple, is all about.

So here at Whitstable Community Church, when we say following Jesus is our number 1 aim, we mean just that. Learning in our every day to listen to Jesus, love like Jesus and live like Jesus.

The result is an abundant life that we want to share with the world around us.

So we’d love to invite you to come on the journey with us, as we seek, as a community together, to follow Jesus.